Here it is! The opening page to my London collection. I have been waiting for ages to post this layout and finally the day has arrived. Usually when I finish a scrapbook page, I'm satisfied or even still annoyed by something that I just can't seem to place, but every once in a while you get a page where it just comes together. Then you stand back and say "Dang, I'm brilliant!" Ok, I know it won't be everyone's favorite; you don't have to like it. I don't even know why I like it so much more than any of my other pages, but I'm awarding it Amy's page of the year (can you award your own pages? That's pretty darn cocky, huh!) Well, don't expect anything better than this, this year. This years award has already gone out. Unfortunately there are three type-Os in there. THREE... maybe more! Why did I forget to run spell check before I printed those black pages? I haven't had the heart to pull it all up and fix it yet.